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The Myth of Hiring

The Myth of Hiring

Salary negotiations often get you the lowest number you thought.

Relatable right?

You see, the majority of the time, employees believe they must accept the lowest offer made by the employer. This is the biggest myth of hiring.

You have been instructed to behave in accordance with the offered compensation. But is it actually the case? Do you think if you had asked for more, the employer wouldn’t agree? Or have you ever felt you are paid less?

Salary: One of the Most Important aspect of your Job

Salary is important. It is only one part of the offer package, but it is the one that most frequently causes a bad feeling if it is too low or a dopamine rush if it is higher than you anticipated.

However, what may be just as important is whether you feel passionate about what the company does, you trust your peers, and you believe the role is one in which you can truly thrive, and make you feel accomplished.

Salary is only one part of the offer package, there are other factors that matter, like, a strong sense of commitment to the work that the organisation does, confidence in your colleagues, and a hope that the position will allow you to develop, and succeed.

However, even if your salary package is average or below-average, as long as you are working in a growing work environment, and have your peer support, everything is fine. In such cases, if your salary is low, and you're putting your efforts to raise your product’s value, you can expect bonuses, higher job security, and promotions.

Come let’s find out how you can let go of the hiring myth and get rightly paid for your job.

Breaking the Myth of Hiring

You must be wondering should you push for more or accept the first offer made by your employer?

It is important that you don’t push the salary negotiations too much, but also make sure you get a good raise. Some suggest accepting the initial offer if you are satisfied with it, while others believe negotiation is important. You should always consider both perspectives.

However, salary negotiations vary from profile to position. Come let’s have a look at what our Recruitment executives have to offer.

Negotiate your Salary Offer

When a company finds the perfect candidate, they are usually open to negotiating salary. The other candidates are usually not as good, so the employer usually has more money available for the first candidate.

For example, if you're pursuing a business development or sales position, a casual acceptance of the initial offer might actually hurt your chances because it shows a neglect for a basic element of all business dealings: negotiation.

Meaning, salary negotiation is a prime chance for you to show your skill and appreciation for the job profile. If you let that opportunity of proving your resume right pass you by, the employer might think you're exaggerating and have overwritten your resume. So make the most of your technical rounds, to get the desired salary package.

When to Avoid Salary Negotiation

MOur experts at Recruitometry suggest not to negotiate a salary offer in certain cases. You may be able to highlight your accomplishments and skills to negotiate the offer if you can back up the request. However, the offer may be withdrawn if you can't justify your pay request. So, always make sure your resume justifies all that you are asking for.

For instance, If you are a programmer, make sure you all have the necessary skills required for your next job.

Never go off the limits

Negotiating for a higher salary can be a difficult process, especially when the employer's offer is far below what a person is expecting. For example, a fresher level javascript developer looking for entry-level jobs in their field may find that the pay is lower than what they expected.

Additionally, there can be situations, where going through several interviews and demonstrating your knowledge and qualifications for your job, you may not be able to get an offer that is significantly higher than the employer's original offer.

Negotiations may be possible, but expecting to double the salary is likely unrealistic and not a reasonable expectation.

Submit Your Resume

Bottom Line

Negotiating a salary offer is just the beginning and one of the many touchstones along your career path. The more prepared you are for the challenges in life, the better you'll fare.

From updating your resume with the best professional skills from time-to-time to applying to jobs at top companies to getting promoted, our Recruitment experts can help you navigate your way up the ladder. Contact us today.

Visit our website or email us at info@recruitometry.com to know more about the key facets that reduce employee turnover.
